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Myth : Slipped disc or Disc Bulge in low back (back or hip, legs pain) or neck (neck or shoulder or arm pain) can never be finished completely ??Fact : Specialized Physiotherapy treatment protocols are costom made with the cause of pain, levels of

Myth : Slipped disc / Disc Bulge in low back (back/ hip, legs pain) or neck (neck/ shoulder/ arm pain) can never be finished completely ??Fact : Specialized Physiotherapy treatment protocols are costom made with the cause of pain, levels of slippe

Diabetic neuropathyAlso called: diabetic nerve damagetype of nerve damage that can occur with diabetes.The condition most often affects the legs and feet. For some people, symptoms are mild. For others, symptoms can be painful, debilitating and

What does Pain Management mean in Chronic Low Back Pain / sciatica/ slipped disc / lumbar canal stenosis / lumbar spondylitis or Posterior inter-vertebral disc prolapse ?? The most important part is, more or less these terms refer to the same biome

#poweradPatient Review Of A Both Knee Osteoarthritis and two ligament tear injury She had two ligaments torn in both her knees and severe arthritis in both knees. Was adviced for knee replacement surgery at Ahmedabad. Then consulted our Knee

Trust the specialist of spinal pains -Avoid Spine Surgery, take our specialized Spine Relief Treatment from the most recommended physiotherapist of udaipur.Healing spine pain with one on state Class 4 Laser Rays, Tecar Rays and Disc Decompression

Happy Patient MRI charges before and after our treatment - A 48 year old patient comes with a chronic back pain history of many years with intolerable pain on the day of consultation. MRI reports severe lumbar compression Treated with our Tecar a

Happy Patient MRI charges before and after our treatment - A 48 year old patient comes with a chronic back pain history of many years with intolerable pain on the day of consultation. MRI reports severe lumbar compression Treated with our Tecar a
